Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why Do We Fear Success?

I truly wonder why we as a people fear success so much.
Now, just incase you don't understand what I mean let me explain.

When you decide to try something new regardless of what the endeavor itself might be you take on the risk of potentially failing. Failing merely being not achieving the goal you imagined or taking a loss in a business venture. But none the less of course a failure can sting and change the way you view things. Whether that change is positive or negative is based on your perception. It's what life is all about right? Living and learning.

So, what is success?
An opinion is always the answer, but to me it's a lifestyle. It's where someone can continuously be devoted, dedicated, motivated, and determined without giving up. Even a train on the right track is capable of derailing, the real question is what's the aftermath? Are you capable of getting back up from the wreckage and pushing forward? Can you wake up every morning and do what YOU love in order to better your life in the future? The mindset to be greater and thrive for results is what defines success.

To most people this seems like "Too much work" or they make excuses such as "I would but I don't have enough time". In my book, "Too much work" would be continuing to work a job for someone else's vision all of my life. "Would" in any form is a cop out excuse on why you AREN'T going to do it, not why you can't. 

The overall point, comes down to people must fear success. They must fear the thought of failing, afraid they won't be able to stand back up. They must dread the thought of spending some money, taking a chance on not earning it back. But why do we fear success? If a great person once said, "You can't fear going out on a limb because that's where all the fruits are." Don't we realize without taking a chance you won't gain any ground? If you stayed stagnant in your current life situation, would you be at least content? If not why settle? Instead brainstorm, the internet is such a powerful tool you can turn pretty much any talent or skill into a passive income. I don't believe for a second there is one person out there who isn't capable of achieving more than the average Joe.

Maximize your earning potential showcasing your skills on Fiverr:
My Profile For Example

I guarantee you can always find an excuse to stop yourself from doing something, but there's no greater feeling than putting your mind towards something and doing it! From thought and process to product and progress.

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